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www.nebrcul.org | 402.333.9331 | 800.950.4455

In a heartfelt gesture of solidarity and support, the League has extended a generous hand to aid in tornado disaster relief efforts. Recently, the League announced a substantial donation of $10,000 to the United Way of the Midlands, aiming to assist those affected by the tornado detestation that wreaked havoc across the region.

The catastrophic tornadoes, leaving a trail of destruction and displacing numerous families, prompted swift responses from various organizations and individuals alike. Among them, the League stands out for its significant contribution towards rebuilding shattered lives and communities.

Expressing its commitment to the cause, League President and CEO Scott Sullivan stated, “In times of crisis, it is imperative for communities to come together and extend support to those in need. The recent tornadoes have inflicted unimaginable loss, and as good corporate citizens, it is our responsibility to stand with our neighbors and help in any way we can.”

“We are profoundly grateful to the League for their generous contribution,” remarked United Way of the Midlands Director of Leadership Giving Liz Christensen. “Because of your gift our community will rebuild faster and stronger!”  

The League’s donation not only serves as a beacon of hope for those impacted by the tornado disaster but also highlights the power of collective action in times of adversity.