16929 Frances Street, Suite 203 Omaha, NE 68130
www.nebrcul.org | 402.333.9331 | 800.950.4455

As we approach the end of another remarkable year, the League staff wanted to take a moment to express our sincere gratitude to each and everyone of our member credit unions. Your trust and loyalty have and continue to be the cornerstone of our success, and we are truly grateful for the privilege to serve you.

This season is not only a time of joy and celebration but also an opportunity to reflect on the relationship we have built throughout the year. We are thankful for the trust you have placed in us and for allowing the League to be a part of your success.

We are continually inspired by your stories and accomplishments, and it motivates us to strive for excellence in all that we do.

As we look ahead to the new year, we remain dedicated to offering you exceptional services and best-in-class advocacy.

May the festive season bring you and your credit union joy, peace, and fulfillment. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with prosperity and good health!

Warmest regards,

Your grateful League team