16929 Frances Street, Suite 203 Omaha, NE 68130
www.nebrcul.org | 402.333.9331 | 800.950.4455

What started as an act of kindness during COVID to honor our nation’s veterans and thank them for their selfless sacrifice has grown into an annual event. The grassroots community service campaign was organized in 2021 by Julie Gasper, Vice President of Marketing at Omaha FCU and Ed Lautrup, Veterans Service Officer of Washington County.

This year over 200 goodie bags were delivered to veterans in retirement homes and assisted living centers in Omaha and nearby cities ahead of Veterans Day. The bags include snacks, bandages, reading materials, and more.

Julie Gasper with Omaha Federal Credit Union says the people involved receive the gift of giving. “It’s just been wonderful, and the joy that we give veterans, I think we get two-fold back because we see the smiles, we see the feeling of appreciation.”