16929 Frances Street, Suite 203 Omaha, NE 68130
www.nebrcul.org | 402.333.9331 | 800.950.4455

In response to television ads attacking credit unions being run by the Iowa Bankers that have bled into the Omaha and Sioux City media markets, CUNA and the Nebraska Credit Union League are running radio ads focusing on the credit union difference in those same markets.  The Iowa bankers have been running their “CU Free Ride” adds since early February to impart pressure on Iowa state lawmakers to increase taxes on Iowa state credit unions as well as an overall message to eliminate the credit union federal tax exemption.  The ads aim to pit Iowa tax payers against what they call non-taxing paying credit unions.

CUNA and the Nebraska Credit Union League are currently running radio ads that highlight the credit union difference that credit unions are not-for-profit and therefore return their earnings back to their members.  The radio ads will run for four weeks.  You can hear the add by clicking below:
